伊利里亚天主教高中很高兴地宣布和承认其2023年大发游戏官方奖获奖者, 他们一直是伊利里亚天主教卓越支柱的坚定榜样, 同情, 信仰, 传统, 和社区. The Elyria Catholic community will recognize the recipients at an 大发游戏官方 Awards Ceremony on Monday, 5月22日, 在2023届毕业班庆祝周期间.
Rehgan Avon '11
Rehgan Avon是联合创始人 & AlignAI首席执行官, a Knowledge Management Platform helping companies sustainably transform their organizations to effectively build and use Artificial Intelligence. With a background in Integrated Systems Engineering and a strong focus on building technology to support analytics and machine learning, Rehgan has worked on architecting solutions and products to operationalize machine learning models at scale within the large enterprise. Rehgan’s previous experience has been fueled by a passion for early-stage startups and product development.
里根建立了一个广泛的分析社区 & 数据专家通过Women in Analytics, a global organization she founded in 2016 to provide more visibility to diverse individuals making an impact in this space. 她主持了一场全球年度会议,250多名女性登上了舞台. 该社区有来自世界各地的5000多名成员参与教程, 学习小组, 讨论版, 以及指导项目. 她还入选了哥伦布首席执行官未来50人的首届班级.
Dr. 弗朗西斯·格雷戈里·诺维斯克,1966年
Dr. 诺维斯克的家人来自格拉夫顿-伊利亚地区. 他的两个兄弟姐妹也毕业于伊利里亚天主教学校, 62岁的特伦斯·诺维斯基和68岁的迈克尔琳·诺维斯基. Dr. 诺维斯克在EC的经历对他的成长和成长都是一种乐趣. 他学习很努力,但一路上过得很愉快. 他深情地回忆着参加舞会和体育赛事的情景, 在唱诗班唱歌, 参加科学展览, 担任班级高级司库, 写年鉴和校报, 还参加了欧共体的国际象棋队,在高中州团体锦标赛中获得了第三名. Dr. 诺维斯克特别记得他结交了许多朋友,其中许多人是他多年来认识的. 他和他未来的妻子, 珍妮特伍德, 在同一个班级,而且都被评为“最有可能成功的人”.他们从高中时代开始约会. After undergraduate school they married in 1970 and now have three grown children and six growing grandchildren. “他们是我们生命中最大的成功和最大的快乐.“Janet和EC也有很深的渊源,她有四个姐妹, 其中两位是圣母院修女,她们的修会最初在这所学校任教. 另一个死去的姐姐是多米尼加的一个姐姐,她的第四个姐姐嫁出去了.
他们在格拉夫顿的家在4月11日被毁, 1965年的"棕枝主日龙卷风爆发"当时我还是个大三学生. 我的家人很幸运地活了下来,但在经济上受到了影响. I worked in a variety of jobs; drug store, 工厂装货码头, 工厂机械工作, 汽车线路工作, 铁路上的布雷克曼, 并在EC做各种清洁服务,以帮助支付学费.
Jobs in my youth were easily available even for young people and usually paid fairly well although I remember earning fifty cents per hour one summer working at EC. “你走过的大厅,我曾经扫过. Please remember to help keep them clean as someone else is cleaning them today hopefully for more than fifty cents per hour."
从1966年到1970年. Noveske attended John Carroll University supported significantly by a scholarship where he earned a degree in chemistry with honors and then went to medical school at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. 在获得部分奖学金的同时,珍妮特支持他们当老师. 她继续担任教师和教堂音乐家,直到几年前退休. Dr. Noveske received his Doctorate of Medicine in 1974 and then had five years of residency training becoming board certified in adult and child psychiatry which he was privileged to practice until his recent retirement from medicine. “我的很多病人都是我见过的最优秀的人,但是, 不幸的是, 人们对精神疾病仍然抱有强烈的偏见. 他们是目前在我们中间被许多人误解和嘲笑的“麻风病人”. 任何家庭都可能受到精神疾病的影响,就像受到其他疾病的影响一样." Dr. 诺维斯克主要从事精神病学的私人执业但也服务于各种
咨询职位,如天主教慈善机构, 社区心理系统, 在教授精神科住院医生和实习医学生的职位上. 他曾担任圣. 在约翰医院工作多年,并指导其精神科住院病人. Dr. 诺维斯克是美国精神病学协会的长期会员和杰出会员.
His Catholic roots were gifted to him by his family as well as other faith-filled people including those affiliated with EC. “我的信仰是我生活的中心. 30多年来,我一直虔诚地向上帝祈祷. Daily prayer deepens our relationship with Our Lord and supports and continually refreshes us whatever life may bring. 我把它推荐给你们每个人. 生活充满了挑战. 祈祷在龙卷风中支持着我, 我的学习有数百场考试, 个人和家庭斗争, 多年来照顾病人, 和我妻子一起养家糊口.2007年,博士. 诺维斯克被任命为克利夫兰教区的永久执事. 他属于圣。. 理查德·帕里什,但在教区工作的同时,还担任过各种教区的职务.
“我很荣幸能获颁杰出大发游戏官方奖. I am very grateful for the honor especially given the esteem and respect I hold for 伊利里亚天主教高中. 谢谢你!!"
小埃里克·盖恩斯. '02
Eric Gaines是摩根 Mabry Gaines的丈夫, 佩顿和埃默里的父亲, 埃里克和薇姬的儿子和阿兰娜·盖恩斯的兄弟. He currently works as an Orthopedic Physician Assistant at University Hospital’s The Center for Orthopedics. Over the years he has developed a passion for serving others whether it be through taking care of patients at work or coaching multiple youth sports 团队s, 包括雅芳大学棒球队.
他在奥柏林出生长大, 在俄亥俄州,他学会了社区的重要性和对邻居的爱. 谦虚、富有同情心和努力工作是他一直坚持的三个核心标准. 他的工作, 团队, and community experiences have been positively influenced by these standards and his relationship with Jesus. 他在伊利里亚天主教堂的时光令人难忘. From the relationships built to the lessons learned; it helped shape him into the man he is today.
He played college baseball at Eastern Michigan University and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) before earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Physician Assistant studies from UMES, 以及内布拉斯加州大学的硕士学位. He has been a practicing Physician Assistant for 15 years and is proud to say that his calling in life is to serve those in need.
到目前为止,他最大的成就是他的家庭. 他的女孩, 摩根, 佩顿, 埃默里大学每天都给他新的目标,让他不仅仅以谦卑的标准生活, 富有同情心的, 努力工作,但要真正成为标准. 他最喜欢做一个丈夫和父亲. He is very grateful for every opportunity God has given him to not only succeed in life but to help others do the same in their lives.
巴黎圣母院修女会 are grateful to have shared more than fifty of Elyria Catholic’s seventy-five years of history. 当第一批九年级学生开始上课时
St. 玛丽学校校园, 教师中有两姐妹:玛丽·多罗拉·霍宁修女和玛丽·拉尔夫·费伊修女, 谁也是学校的第一任校长. Eight sisters were on the faculty when the new school building on Gulf Road opened its doors on September 17, 1947到254名9到12年级的学生.
从开始到2003年, 118名圣母院修女有幸在伊利里亚天主教学校担任教师, 导师, 管理员, 校园牧师. 其中包括玛丽·圣·迈克尔修女(玛格丽特·麦戈文饰), 艾格尼丝安, 艾米, 卡尔, Linette, Justille, 和Giovanne. 近年来, 玛丽·弗朗西斯·默里姐妹, 杰奎琳·Gusdane, 乔安妮·凯普勒担任教师和行政人员. 巴黎圣母院修女会 welcomed eight graduates of Elyria Catholic as vowed members: Sisters Charlotte Manzo ’52, Kathleen Knechtges, 56岁, 安妮·玛丽·罗宾逊,1956年, Lucia Haas, 58岁, Seton (Mary Rita) Schlather, 62届, 伊丽莎白·伍德62年, 珍妮特·布朗,65年, 还有65岁的蕾妮·帕斯特.
Joanne Romero Loos, 2002年
毕业后 from Elyria Catholic, Joanne earned a Bachelor's of Science in journalism at the E.W. 俄亥俄大学斯克里普斯大发游戏官方学院. 从那里, 她当了许多年的记者, 从俄亥俄州搬到加州,最后搬到夏威夷, 她现在住的地方. 作为一名记者, 乔安妮把她开玩笑地称之为“蓬松的碎片”,涵盖了从家庭装修到知名商业领袖的一系列话题. She served in various roles as an editor and Web editor before heading up a Sunday column in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser focused on home improvement.
在此期间,乔安妮回到了学术界. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in information sciences for the University of Hawaii at Mānoa (UHM) in Honolulu, 她还在那里获得了传播学硕士学位, 她的研究重点是信息技术与健康的交叉. 毕业后, Joanne moved into her current role as a science writer for the Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing at UHM. 乔安妮的工作使她能够将记者的经验与研究人员的技能结合起来. She spearheads collaborative research efforts with interprofessional 团队s of scholars to get research written, 提交, 并发表在同行评议的期刊上.
“我认为自己是一个终身学习者和教育家,”乔安妮说. “通过写作,我把技术材料翻译给各种各样的读者. 作为一名教育工作者,我也做同样的事情."
除了写作和研究, 乔安妮还教授传播学领域的本科课程. 她曾任教于UHM,加州州立大学东湾分校和圣何塞州立大学. 她的课程范围从有130多名学生的大型演讲厅到写作密集型的在线形式.
“我的学生给了我对未来的希望,”乔安妮说. “人们倾向于认为大学生和年轻人是有权利的人, and of course there are some -- but there are so many more that embody the traits and values we need in our community. 他们有爱心、善良、包容,并且有动力让世界变得更美好."
Julie Poling Bonacci '02
当我还是EC的学生时, 朱莉担任学生大使, 全国荣誉学会会员, 挑战工作人员, 同行部长, 拉拉队队长, 和参议院副主席. 朱莉珍惜她对伊利里亚天主教的回忆, 特别是啦啦队, 并将永远把它们珍藏在心中. 她将永远感激她慈爱的父母, 爱德华和玛丽·马丁·波林,76年, 是谁做出了无数的牺牲才让她和她的兄弟姐妹有了今天, 凯瑟琳·波林·斯塔克01届, Nicholas Poling '07, 和09年的扎卡里·波林参加这样的罚款, 以基督为中心,教学能力强的高中.
Julie received her Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education in 2006 from John Carroll University. 在那里,她担任了两年的住宿助理. 作为一名大三学生,朱莉被授予
牧师. 约瑟夫·欧文斯,S.J. 奖学金. This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior education student who best exemplifies the values of scholarship, 领导, 和服务. 大四时,她获得了J. 约瑟夫·惠兰服务领袖奖, which recognizes a graduating senior in the Department of Education whose life is a reflection of the Jesuit mission and who has distinguished him or herself as a person for others and a leader in service. 2010年,朱莉得到了她
约翰·卡罗尔大学课程与教学教育学硕士学位. 在研究生院期间,她获得了Sally H. 韦特海姆教育领导奖, 哪个奖项能表彰一个不仅表现出学识的优秀研究生, 字符, 以及对他人的承诺,这些品质浸透在耶稣会的使命中, 但他也在寻求提升, 并有望改善儿童和青少年的教育体验.
Julie has been employed with the Kirtland Local School District since 2006 and has worked in a variety of roles, 包括三年级和幼儿园的课堂教学. 她目前担任阅读干预师, 并在这样的头衔下获得了威尔逊阅读系统阅读障碍治疗师的认证. Julie is passionate about the Science of Reading and delivering Structured Literacy to students via systematic and explicit instruction so that all students may read, 从而获得对阅读的热爱. 2023年春天,她将获得K-12阅读背书, 与沃尔什大学的阅读科学一致.
朱莉和她的丈夫有三个年幼的孩子,都是圣. 俄亥俄州康科德的加布里埃尔·帕里什.